
Every single day, a child wakes up in the morning weighed down by the memory of the abuse they’ve suffered.

If hearing that makes you want to help, you’re in the right place.

Beau Biden Foundation donors are an incredible community of connected, invested heroes who believe children deserve to grow and thrive in a world safe from abuse and neglect.

With your gift honoring Brian, you’ll be kicking online predators offline, helping teachers recognize a child is in danger, and most importantly – shielding a child from devastating abuse.

You belong here.

Like Beau and Brian, you know that protecting children from abuse starts with generous people like you and ends with an adult who knows what to say, who to call when they think a child needs help.

By stepping up as a champion for children, you’ll be shielding a child from abuse. Are you that champion?

Please, make your gift to honor Brian and protect a child by filling out the secure form below.