
Leadership Development

"We have seen the progress that can be made when society commits to shining a bright light on a crime like domestic violence, and we are seeing the beginning of what can be accomplished if we continue shining that bright light on child abuse.&quote; -Beau Biden

Beau brought out the best in people. As Delaware’s Attorney General, he recruited leading lawyers and investigators to the Delaware Department of Justice. He stood alongside the finest in his profession, and stood unique in his commitment to protect the most vulnerable in our community. Our scholarships, fellowships, and teaching seminars will increase incentives for the best and the brightest to enter the child protection space.

National Association Of Attorneys General Fellowship

The Beau Biden Fellowship is an opportunity for state attorneys working in the area of child protection, child abuse and/or child exploitation to address policy, legislative and legal issues on a national level by research, writing and working hands-on with national experts.

In this inaugural year, the Fellow will:

  • Work with the leadership of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) to study and report on the best way the nation’s Attorneys General can collaborate with NCMEC in addressing these critical areas involving the safety and welfare of children.
  • Conduct a comprehensive review of child abuse/exploitation, compile all of the child abuse and child exploitation statutes across the nation, and draft a report for publication on best legislative practices for the protection of children.
  • In the area of information sharing, the Fellow is responsible for developing and maintaining a list serve, to include information on local and national child protection cases, as well as legislative news involving child protection, child abuse and/or child exploitation.
  • Work with NAAG on any child protection, child abuse or child exploitation issues that arise during the fellowship period.

The Fellowship will be offered in this inaugural year for a three month period: September, 2016 through November, 2016. The Beau Biden Foundation pays for housing and a travel allowance while the state continues to pay the Fellow’s salary during the Fellowship.

Individuals who would find the experience most rewarding are those with significant experience in the areas of child protection, child abuse and/or child exploitation working in a state Attorney General’s Office.

For more information about the Beau Biden Fellowship, click here.

PO Box 7819, Wilmington, DE 19803